Kedem, B., De Oliveira, V. and Sverchkov, M. (2017),
Statistical Data Fusion, World Scientific.
Han, Z. and De Oliveira, V. (2025), "Default Priors for the Smoothness
Parameter in Gaussian Matern Random Fields," Bayesian Analysis, to appear.
Reyna, V., Fathesami, N., Wu, W., Muluk, S.C., De Oliveira, V. and Finol, E.A. (2025),
"On The Relative Effects of Wall and Intraluminal Thrombus Constitutive Material Properties in
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Wall Stress," Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 16, 66-78.
De Oliveira, V. (2023), "A Simple Isotropic Correlation Family in R^3
with Long-Range Dependence and Flexible Smoothness." In: Research Papers in Statistical
Inference for Time Series and Related Models---Essays in Honor of Masanobu Taniguchi,
Y. Liu, J. Hirukawa and Y. Kakizawa (eds.), Springer, pp 111-122.
De Oliveira, V. and Han, Z. (2023), "Approximate Reference Priors for
Gaussian Random Fields," Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 50, 296-326.
De Oliveira, V. and Han, Z. (2022), "On Information About Covariance
Parameters in Gaussian Mat\'ern Random Fields,"
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 27, 690-712.
De Oliveira, V. and Ecker, M. (2022), "A Non--Stationary Non--Gaussian
Hedonic Spatial Model for House Selling Prices,"
Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, 51, 2888-2905.
Han, Z. and De Oliveira, V. (2020), "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of
Gaussian Copula Models for Geostatistical Count Data,"
Communications in Statistics--Simulation and Computation, 49, 1957-1981.
Canchi, T., Patnaik, S.S., Nguyen, H.N., Ng, E.Y.K., Narayanan, S., Muluk, S.C.,
De Oliveira, V. and Finol, E.A. (2020),
"A Comparative Study of Biomechanical and Geometrical Attributes of Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysms in the Asian and Caucasian Populations,"
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 142(6), 061003.
De Oliveira, V. (2020), "Models for Geostatistical Binary Data:
Properties and Connections," The American Statistician, 74, 72-79.
Wu, W., Rengarajan, B., Thirugnanasambandam, M., Parikh, S.A., Gomez, R.,
De Oliveira, V., Muluk, S.C. and Finol, E.A. (2019),
"Wall Stress and Geometry Measures in Electively Repaired Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms,"
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 47, 1611-1625.
Han, Z. and De Oliveira, V. (2018),
"gcKrig: An R Package for the Analysis of Geostatistical Count Data Using Gaussian Copulas,"
Journal of Statistical Software, 87 (13), 1-32.
Parikh, S.A., Gomez, R., Thirugnanasambandam, M., Chauhan, S.S.,
De Oliveira, V., Muluk, S.C., Eskandari, M.K. and Finol, E.A. (2018),
"Decision Tree Based Classification of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using Geometry
Quantification Measures," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2135-2147.
De Oliveira, V., Wang, B. and Slud, E.V. (2018),
"Spatial Modeling of Rainfall Accumulated Over Short Periods of Time,"
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 166, 129-149.
Kedem, B. and De Oliveira, V. (2018), "On Joint Analysis of Testicular
Germ Cell Cancer." Journal of Urology and Research, 5(1), 1097.
De Oliveira, V. and Kedem, B. (2017),
"Bayesian Analysis of a Density Ratio Model,"
The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 45, 274-289.
Chauhan, S.S., Gutierrez, C.A., Thirugnanasambandam, M., De Oliveira, V.,
Muluk, S.C., Eskandari, M.K. and Finol, E.A. (2017), "The Association Between
Geometry and Wall Stress in Emergently Repaired Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms,"
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 45, 1908-1916.
Han, Z. and De Oliveira, V. (2016), "On the Correlation Structure
of Gaussian Copula Models for Geostatistical Count Data,"
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 58, 47-69.
De Oliveira, V. and Kone, B. (2015), "Prediction Intervals for Integrals
of Some Types of Non-Gaussian Random Fields: A Semiparametric Bootstrap Approach."
In: JSM Proceedings, Statistics and the Environment Section. Alexandria, VA:
American Statistical Association, pp 2588-2597.
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"Prediction Intervals for Integrals of Gaussian Random Fields,"
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 83, 37-51.
Jing, L. and De Oliveira, V. (2015),
"geoCount: An R Package for the Analysis of Geostatistical Count Data,"
Journal of Statistical Software, 63 (11), 1-33.
De Oliveira, V. and Trindade, A.A. (2014), "Spatial Statistics."
In: Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining,
R. Alhajj and J. Rokne (eds.) Springer, pp 1976-1990.
Raut, S.S., Jana, A., De Oliveira, V., Muluk, S.C. and Finol, E.A. (2014),
"The Effect of Uncertainty in Wall Vascular Material Properties on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Wall Mechanics." In: Computational Biomechanics for Medicine,
B. Doyle, K. Miller, A. Wittek, and P.M.F. Nielsen (eds.) Springer, pp 69-89.
De Oliveira, V. (2014), "Poisson Kriging: A Closer Investigation,''
Spatial Statistics, 7, 1-20.
De Oliveira, V. (2013), ``Hierarchical Poisson Models for Spatial Count Data,"
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 122, 393-408.
Raut, S.S., Jana, A., De Oliveira, V., Muluk, S.C. and
Finol, E.A. (2013), "The Importance of Patient-Specific Regionally Varying
Wall Thickness in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Biomechanics,"
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135(8), 081010.
Ecker, M.D., De Oliveira, V. and Isakson, H. (2013),
"A Note on a Non-stationary Point Source Spatial Model,"
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 20, 59-67.
De Oliveira, V. (2012), "Bayesian Analysis of Conditional
Autoregressive Models,"
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 64, 107-133.
Song, J.J. and De Oliveira, V. (2012),
"Bayesian Model Selection in Spatial Lattice Models,"
Statistical Methodology, 9, 228-238.
De Oliveira, V. and Ferreira, M.A.R. (2011),
"Maximum Likelihood and Restricted Maximum Likelihood Inference for a
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De Oliveira, V. (2010), "Objective Bayesian Analysis for
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M.-H. Chen, D.K. Dey, P. Muller, D. Sun and K. Ye (eds.), Springer, pp 497-511.
De Oliveira, V. and Rui, C. (2009),
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Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, 4345-4357.
De Oliveira, V. and Song, J.J. (2008),
"Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Autoregressive Models,"
Sankhya, 70-B, 323-350.
Ecker, M. and De Oliveira, V. (2008),
"Bayesian Spatial Modeling of Housing Prices Subject to a Localized Externality,"
Communications in Statistics--Theory and Methods , 37, 2066-2078.
Rui, C. and De Oliveira, V. (2008),
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Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 2128-2142.
De Oliveira, V. (2007), "Objective Bayesian Analysis of
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The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 35, 283-301.
Ferreira, M.A.R. and De Oliveira, V. (2007),
"Bayesian Reference Analysis for Gaussian Markov Random Fields,"
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98, 789-812.
De Oliveira, V. (2006), "On Optimal Point and Block
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Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 33, 523-540.
Paez, M.S., Gamerman, D. and De Oliveira, V. (2005),
"Interpolation Performance of a Spatio-temporal Model with Spatially Varying
Coefficients: Application to PM_10 Concentrations in Rio de Janeiro,"
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 12, 169-193.
De Oliveira, V. (2005), "Bayesian Inference and Prediction
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Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 14, 95-115.
De Oliveira, V. (2004), "A Simple Model for Spatial
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Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 18, 131-140.
De Oliveira, V. (2003), "A Note On the Correlation
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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 45, 353-366.
De Oliveira, V., Fokianos, K. and Kedem, B. (2002),
"Bayesian Transformed Gaussian Random Field: A Review,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Statistics, 31, 175-187.
De Oliveira, V. and Ecker, M.D. (2002),
"Bayesian Hot Spot Detection in the Presence of a Spatial Trend:
Application to Total Nitrogen Concentration in the Chesapeake Bay,"
Environmetrics, 13, 85-101.
Berger, J.O., De Oliveira, V. and Sanso, B. (2001),
"Objective Bayesian Analysis of Spatially Correlated Data,"
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96, 1361-1374.
De Oliveira, V. (2000), "Bayesian Prediction of Clipped
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Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 34, 299-314.
Holland D.M., De Oliveira, V., Cox, L.H. and Smith, R.L.
(2000), "Estimation of Regional Trends in Sulfur Dioxide Over the Eastern
United States," Environmetrics, 11, 373-393.
De Oliveira, V., Kedem, B. and Short, D.A. (1997),
"Bayesian Prediction of Transformed Gaussian Random Fields,"
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 1422-1433.
De Oliveira, V. and Ecker, M. (2016),
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Bindel, D., De Oliveira, V. and Kedem, B. (1997),
"An Implementation of the Bayesian Transformed Gaussian Spatial Prediction Model."